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Schroon Farm Fresh Eggs


Laura Veryanxious loves her hens and their eggs. But lucky for us, she is willing to part with a few of them. So if you're driving on 9 this weekend-- between Alder Meadow Road --  and the police station, you spot a FRESH EGGS FOR SALE

From Laura:

Our adorable pet chickens have laid so many delicious, colorful eggs that we have at least a dozen extra to sell. If we've taken the sign down, we're sold out. Our little operation is called Schroon River Farm and we hope to be your source for local, fresh eggs in town! Come stop in, say hi to You Hwan, me and our birds, and leave with the best eggs around. $3 per dozen! Can't beat that! The weather put a bit of a damper on our hens enthusiasm, but this warmer period has them laying left and right again! We have another dozen available and our sign out if anyone is interested. Shoot me a message on here to reserve yours, or just stop by when the sign is out. Thanks!! We love being Schroon Lake's go-to for fresh, humane, and beautiful eggs!

*Want to reserve your dozen? Message Laura Veryanxiou via Facebook with the time you'll be by and she will one aside for you. In the spring, they'll be  offering delivery service!