Nor'easter Storm Watch

latest on the storm.png

From Tony Tenda:

Welcome to the first day of Meteorological Spring! And now we'll discuss the snowstorm!!! A storm will be rapidly forming off the coast tonight. Best dynamics for heavy snow appear to be south and west of Schroon Lake, but any change in formation could affect this. Since there is no real cold air available, relatively speaking, the storm will have to develop it's own cold. How it does this is, as the precipitation falls, it cools the atmosphere enough to produce snow, since the temps are close. This will be an elevation driven storm, high areas like Charlie Hill, Hoffman Rd, Blue Ridge seeing the most snow, 3-6". Less in lower areas. Everything should be over by Sat morning. Marginal plowing storm, since many dirt driveways have softened up.

Nacho Thursday at Sticks and Stones


Things you might hear at Sticks and Stones Thursday Nights:

Q: What do you call cheese that isn’t yours?

A: Nacho cheese!

Q: What does a nosy pepper do?

A: Gets jalapeño business.

Q: Why did the burrito blush?

A: Because it saw the salad dressing!

Q: What Tex-Mex food is good at math?

A: Inch-iladas.

Q: What do you call a tortilla chip that works out?

A: A macho nacho.

Q: What do you get if you eat onions on your beans?

A: Tear gas.