Determining Schroon's Future
/David Peterson, the administrator of the Schroon Lake Facebook page, reminds us about tonight’s meeting (Sunday) where candidates in Tuesday’s Schroon Lake Election, will have a chance to talk about their platforms with the community.
From David: “Most of the candidates on the ballot have confirmed that they will be in attendance. Each candidate will have a limited amount of time to speak. Then the candidates will be available for you to meet and ask questions. Personally, this will be my 16th Candidates Night and there have been times where my vote was determined by something said by a candidate”.
More Photos of The Halloween Storm of 2019
/From Goodnow Flow, via Facebook:
“Blue Ridge Road at the Schroon River is CLOSED in both directions. The old Frontier Town and the Sunoco station are under 5-6 feet of water. The water is running right at the bottom of the bridge, and the crews are expecting it to breach the bridge later today. Be SAFE NEVER attempt to cross a flooded roadway. Updates as and when.”
Here is the official announcement from Essex County:
Essex County, NY Emergency Services
November 1, 2019
1100 HOURS
The County Of Essex, NY declared a State of Emergency November 1, 2019 in response to the unsafe conditions from the High Winds and Heavy Rains we experienced overnight.
We currently have 57 road closures, 600 locations in the County without power. NYSDEC evacuated several residents due to flooding via airboat in North Hudson. The AuSable River peaked at 11.5 feet, and has receded back to 11.27 feet. The 911 trunks are currently down, and 911 calls are being rerouted to Clinton County Emergency Services.
Essex County Emergency Services is working closely with several State, County, and Town Officials and Entities to resolve all issues as quickly as possible.
The general public is urged to remain off roadways until further notice with exception of essential personnel. If travel is necessary, practice extreme caution doing so.