Snow Storm Slams Schroon

Areas still without power, as pf 7.30pm, according to NYGRID

Areas still without power, as pf 7.30pm, according to NYGRID

Dozens of homes are still without power, the firehouse is open for folks to keep warm and take refuge and multiple crews worked to clear downed trees from lines.

That’s the snapshot Sunday night as the greater Schroon-North Hudson-Paradox area digs out from a storm that dumped 15 inches of snow and sent temperatures plummeting in some areas to -15 degrees.

For more than 24 hours several hundred homes and businesses were without electricity, internet or cell service. The storm began Thursday with rain all day through Friday, when snow started falling around 10am, according to David Peterson.

“Power out 11-ish  (Friday) then back on and off. It came back on about 11:30pm Saturday night. So about 30 hours for us,” David told us.

The tireless efforts of many who worked around the clock ensured power was restored as quickly as possible, so residents could get their heat back on.

“Town crews were amazing on snow removal! And National Grid were INCREDIBLE battling sub-zero temps to do line repairs,” said Lisa Hess-Marks from Pinecone Mercantile.

Many people took advantage of the Schroon Lake Fire Department’s offer to keep warm. And thanks to the generosity of DeCesare’s Pizza, there was plenty of food. More from the Fire Dept:

“We would like to send out a huge thanks to all those that helped out with the displacement of residents seeking warmth during this last storm. Randy Jacobson and his wife spent hours at the firehouse along with Jeff and Cherie Subra. Terri Heller, Kerri Bennett, and Melissa Whitley (members of the Schroon Lake Ladies' Auxiliary) helped by preparing a meal with Deb DeCesare from DeCesare's Pizza. We would also like to thank Schroon Lake Roads Dept, NYS DOTNational Grid, and the numerous tree and electrical teams that helped out”.

As of 7.30 pm around more than 300 customers in Schroon, Horicon, Chester and North Hudson were without power, according the NY Grid’s outage map.

New Swag and a New Brew at Paradox Brewery This Super Bowl Weekend


A tasty treat is available this weekend at Paradox’s South Schroon location: their new brew called "Get Off My Lawn!"

From the good folks at PDX:

“It's perfect for yard work whether the grass is green and you're mowing or you're out there shoveling the white stuff off your driveway. Get Off My Lawn is a mellow, mild and modest amber lager. It's brewed with Vienna and Munich malts and is very smooth and crisp! Sunday 12pm -4pm”.

Save The Dates: 2020 Schroon Lake Fish and Game Club Ice Fishing Derby

The dates for the annual Schroon Lake Fish and Game Club Ice Fishing Derby are March 7th & 8th 2020, we hear from Honeyann Hanchette.
Here’s more from Honeyann:

“You can fish from daylight Saturday to 4pm on Sunday for Lake Trout, Perch, Pickerel, Salmon and Pike.
Registration is $15.00 per person. Tickets are on sale at the following locations from 1/13-2/28
The Fish & Game Club House (open fri & sat @5pm)
Sticks & Stones Restaurant
Flanagan's Pub
Timberwolf Pub
Schroon Lake Bait & Tackle

The weekend of the derby (Friday - Sunday) tickets will ONLY be available for purchase at the Club house, ALL weekend long. Except on Friday night, they will also be available for purchase at the Flanagans Pub in Schroon lake between 5-8pm.
Cash prizes for 1st, 2nd & 3rd will be awarded based on weight for Lake Trout, N. Pike and Salmon. Also for heaviest Perch & Pickerel.

NEW** Saturday at the clubhouse will be a fish & fry dinner - $15.00 a person. What time? This will be posted the weekend of the derby.

Club bar is also open all weekend! Door Prizes Awarded. For tickets or more info please call 518-532-7953 or join the club FB group page, by clicking here. and here. The fishing derby is NOT a sponsored event.
NEWSLETTER UPDATE: After this year we will no longer be sending out letters in the mail for the yearly derby newsletter. Instead we will be doing so by email! If you’d like to receive the newsletter please fill the form out by clicking here.