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Schroon’s Spring Spruce Up

Under brilliant blue skies and glorious sunny days Spring Fever is gripping Schroon Lake. From landscaping at the Town Golf course, to repairs to the Town Floating docks, there are signs everywhere that Schroon is getting ready early for the season.

The changes at the Golf Course include getting rid of an eyesore patch of a wooded, weedy area behind the barn, Supervisor Mike Marnell told us.

Repairs are planned for the Town tennis courts and they will be ready well in advance of the summer.

Town crews are also making repairs to the town docks and replacing some floats.

“We might have a couple in by this weekend,” Marnell said.

Meanwhile, down at Schroon Lake Marina, Craig Kennedy and his crew have taken advantage of this spectacular week of weather to put in their own floating docks. This time last year rising water in our Spring Floods of 2011 made that task impossible.

In the days ahead a large concrete slab is expected to be lifted into place to extend their boat ramp, currentl;y out of commission.

Are you sprucing up for Spring? Taking the boat out this weekend? Tell us in comments.