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Voting Underway At Schroon Central

A steady stream of voters have cast their ballots at the Schroon Lake Central School today to vote on the school budget , elect two members to the school board and decide if the school should buy two new buses.

The proposed budget is $7.2 million, which includes a spending decrease of  $159,000 about (2.15 percent). But the projected tax levy increase is around $174,000 (2.9 percent)

There are two Board of Education seats up for grabs, a four year term and a five year. Running are incumbent John Armstrong and newcomers Richard Kuzmiak, Donald Miller, Bruce Murdock and Dana Shaughnessy.

On the ballot is a proposition to authorize up to $88,500 to buy two passenger buses for the school district.

Polls close tonight at 8pm . Vote in the school Lobby.