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Opening Weekend: The Official Guide Right Here

It's been weeks in the making, and now we are just days away from the official start to Summer in Schroon, with the first ever Opening Weekend.

A hard core, creative and dedicated group of volunteers, led by mountain mover Shelby Davis, has put together a weekend that is simply stunning. What this group accomplished in a matter of weeks usually takes a year of planning. So look through the program and start making a list of what you wanna do this weekend. All weekend there will be Captain's Specials at area restaurants and garage sales throughout the community. During the Summer Expo, from 2pm - 8pm, there will be booths along Main Street and in The Park.

Thursday Night, May 24

Open Mic Night at Witherbee's @ 6.30 pm.

Saturday, May 26

Non-motorized Boat Chain
9:00 am
Non-motorized Blessing of the Fleet
Schroon Lake town dock and Adirondack boat launch
9:30 am

Lions Club Garage Sale
9 am  - 3 pm @ The Boathouse Theatre

Schroon Lake Central School Senior Class Bake Sale and Car Wash
10 am - 2 pm @ Stewart's

The Towne Store Grand Opening of the Bargain Basement
Huge Selection of Sale & Clearance Items
10 am - 5 pm (Sunday 11 am - 4 pm, Monday 10 am - 5 pm)

Motorized Boat Parade and Blessing of the Fleet @ TheTown Beach
2 pm. It's free to be in the boat parade, and if you decorate your boat, you could win Best Pirate Ship, Funniest Boat or Best Adirondack Style Boat. Not into decorating? No worries! Just have your boat on the water at 2 pm around the Schroon Lake town dock or Adirondack boat launch to be included in the blessing.

Summer Expo (on Main Street and in the Town Park)

Schroon Lake Friends of the Library Book Sale
10 am - 2 pm Basement of the Health Center. All books are half price!

Down to Earth Garden Club @ Schroon Lake Library
10:30 am - 11:30 am
This program is designed for children and their parents and will meet twice a month through September. Activities include planting and harvesting from the community garden plot, learning about soil and insects as well as the interrelation of plants, animals and humans. Free! For more info, call the library at 532-7737 ext 13.

IScream Rock Climbing Wall
12 noon - 6 pm in the Park. Three levels of adventure. Free to everyone!

NY State Trooper Rollover Simulator
in the Town Hall Parking Lot
2 pm - 8 pm

Artist Anne Gregson will be demonstrating printmaking and how to use a printing press to create an etching 2 pm - 8 pm

Free Belly Dancing Demonstration with Natalie Kalinowicz at the True North Yoga booth 4:00 pm

Welcome Summer with a Sun Salutations Yoga Class with Debbie Philp from True North Yoga
5:00 pm - 5:30 pm.  Visit the True North Yoga booth to participate in this free mini-class!

Get your heart rate going with a Zumba mini-class, hosted by Cathy Peace at 6 pm by the bandstand.

Tribute to the Troops Concerts -- All Day Saturday

Live Music at the Bandstand all day. Free.

Songs for Children performed by Curtis Becraft
11:30 am - 12:30 pm

Folk Songs and Sing-alongs for all ages
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Curtis Becraft, a musician and song-writer with long-standing ties to Schroon Lake (he used to be a lifeguard at the beach!) will perform a mix of Americana, folk, 60s, blues and jazz. Singing along is highly encouraged! 

3 pm - 4 pm Old-fashioned rock and roll with The AdirondacKatz and Mark Piper. Bring your dancing shoes!

4 pm - 6 pm Live Music with the Gregson Brothers

Tribute to the Troops feature performance 7:30 pm
The Steven L. Smith Band performs Adirondack country and blues, telling the modern story of our region and beyond. Their music has reached millions of people around the world using simple, meaningful lyrics and danceable melodies. The Band's slogan is "Live Free and Love Music," echoing their Adirondack roots. 

Sunday, May 27

Cub Scout Pancake Breakfast at the SL Fish & Game Club
7:00 am to 12 noon. $6 adults, $4 children 12 and under

Lions Club Garage Sale
9 am - 12 noon
At the Boathouse followed by the Annual Auction at 12 noon

Schroon Lake Central School Trout Project
Trout Release 11:00 am
Ms. Barker, Mr. Riddle and the students from the Trout Project will be releasing the fish on Sunday morning. Check out the Trout Project display at the Expo on Saturday and watch the trout release on Sunday. At the town dock.

Owl, Falcon and Hawk Demonstration and Educational Session with Wendy from Adirondack Wildlife Refuge & Rehab Center 11:30 am at the Park. Come see these amazing birds up close and learn about them from wildlife expert Wendy Hall. Q&A session to follow demonstration. Free to everyone.

IScream Rock Climbing Wall
12 noon  - 6 pm in the Park

Season Opener! Art in the Attic at the Towne Store

Monday, May 28

Flagpole Dedication hosted by Mike Marnell, Town Supervisor

Ceremony at Veteran's Memorial Wall
Schroon Lake 10:00 am
North Hudson 11:00 noon

Tina Plumstead from 1000 Words Photography will be taking pictures of all the boats and the day's events. Contact Tina directly for a print or digital copy of your boat's picture!