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So Long Summer: Schroon's Labor Day Weekend Preview

This Saturday, Main Street will be rocking, revelers will be sweating, and the sky ablaze with the last fireworks show of the season, as Schroon Lake says its official "good bye" to summer.

Earlier in the day, the Town Park above the beach will host a huge town wide garage sale. It's all part of Schroon Lake's Annual Labor Day celebration.

Then on Sunday, it's the Sixth Annual Schroon Lake Association Duck Race, which begins at the waterfall under the bridge on the corner of Main Street and Dock Street. (You can adopt a duck from the Schroon Lake Association Folks at Saturday's huge garage sale).

But the season isn't just over yet for the Seagle Music Colony. On Sunday afternoon the colony will host a post season revue concert of operetta, Broadway and cabaret songs. The concert will feature four singers from the summer class of 2013. It's at the Oscar Seagle Memorial Theatre at 8:00 pm. Tickets are $20. You can call for reservations 518-532-7875 or purchase tickets at the door. 

If you are attending the Labor Day Weekend events it’s important to plan ahead.
The town beach will be closed at 1pm Saturday afternoon, to allow the fireworks show organizers to set up.

"This year the fireworks will be to set off from the beach, so the folks need time to set up," Rosemarie Ritson, from the Schroon Lake Chamber of Commerce told us.
Main Street will be closed starting around 6.45pm. Once again the live music will be provided by high energy rockers The Master Cylinders.

If you haven't been to a Schroon Labor Day Dance Party, it is exactly what the name implies - a whole lotta happy, sweaty folks dancing the night away to every greatest rock and roll dance number you might know.

"The band will be playing in front of the bank. It's a great location for us, right in the center of the village," Rosemarie said.
This year's event is embracing an anti DWI theme. "That always has been the theme. We used to receive funding from Essex county for this event. We don't receive it (the funding) anymore, but we want to continue the anti DWI theme. As the Chamber of Commerce, we don't want people coming and drinking in the street and driving."

Will you be going to the big Party? Tell us in comments.