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Who Will Be At the Meet Your Candidates Event Tonight?

Barbara Rickards Dakin, reminds everyone with an interest in how they want their town, county and state to be run, to attend the Meet Your Candidates event at the Mountainside Christian Academy Sunday night, starting at 6pm.

Here is a list of candidates running for office, who will be attending:

Kristy Sprague, Essex County District Attorney

Tracy Hanchett, Schroon Lake Town Judge

WiIlliam Tribou, Schroon Lake Town Judge

Michael Marnell, Supervisor, Town of Schroon

Roger Friedman, Schroon Lake Town Councilman

Meg Wood, Schroon Lake Town Councilwoman

There are also several honored guests, who will be attending.

Dan Stec, New York State Assembly

Clara Phibbs, Schroon Lake Town Councilwoman

Don Sage, Schroon Lake Town Councilman

What are the most important issues to you? Tell us in comments.