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The Future of the Woods Property: Open Forum Tonight

Julia Pitkin, the new owner of the spectacular Woods Property -- with expansive views of Schroon Lake -- will present "very preliminary drawings" at the Town Board meeting tonight where she will share her vision on revitalizing the land. 

Julia, whose family has roots here since the early 1800s, will present sketches which will show her vision of how she plans to develop the property, which she purchased last year. 

One issue caused much debate earlier this year, when Julia first presented plans and a request that the town allow her to build on an old access road, which Julia has proposed be moved.

"My hope is that the town will support the project sufficiently to grant the request to re-locate the town's access to the property," Julia told Schroon Laker before tonight's meeting.

The public will have the opportunity to address the meeting, which stats at 6pm at the Town Hall.