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What Would Will Have Eaten? Or Drunk?

Organizers of a unique farm to  table event  -- a pre-show nosh up before  the Schroon Lake premiere of the ADK Shakes’ “Love’s, Labour’s Lost”  -- are looking for local ADK and North  Country vendors. 

In what will hopefully be a  terrific foodie fest  on Saturday,  October 12  – and a guaranteed fun night of ol’ Will Shakespeare, organizers say nothing is out of the realm of possibility  for the event.

“If you have had a bumper summer crop, we’ll take those extras off your hands,” Chef Shelby Davis told Schroon Laker.

“We really hope that local farms, beverage makers and producers of artisenal foods will step up to the plate. (Was that an unintentional pun?) “It’s a great way to showcase their wares and   make new fans.”

So there’s no telling what will be  on the menu, but we do know this: the delightful folks at Paradox Brewery  will be supplying some of their fine amber refreshments.

And the equally delightful Mr. P  and his Mountain Smokehouse and Chef Shelby will be serving up some smokin’ good BBQ and gluten free treats.

So, to answer the question posed  in our headline: sadly history does not seem to record what Will’s favorite  food was – but there’s a good chance it was boiled meats, popular at the time, something we hopefully won’t see on the menu. But we are sure he drank  an ale or two – and that’s covered!

You can read more about the performance from our favorite thespians here  and get in touch with Chef Shelby at (518) 532-3400 on the comestibles front.