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A Celebration of The Life of Rhonda Barnes

A party to celebrate a wonderful life…Rhonda Barnes wouldn’t have had it any other way. That’s what’s happening this Friday evenIng after a memorial service remembering Rhonda.

The service begins at 6pm at the Edward L, Kelly Funeral Home in Schroon Lake.

Calling hours will be from 4pm to 6pm, with the “Celebration Of Life” gathering at the Schroon Lale Fish and Game Club immediately following, confirmed Rhonda’s fellow Rockology Band member, guitarist  John Wardle.

Rhonda died after a brave battle against cancer. “She passed on peacefully in her home in Schroon Lake on Saturday morning,” said John, who saw her last Thursday.

She was 47.

“She was such a woman, such a fighter,” John told Schroon Laker today.

Besides being the awesome drummer for the band Rockology, Rhonda worked at the Sagamore Inn at Bolton Landing and before that at the Timberwolf Pub.

John first met Rhonda – and Rockology’s bass guitarist Dave Hamell --  about six years ago.

“She was at an open mic at the Full Moon in Queensbury. She was not only an outstanding drummer, but an amazing singer as well.”

John said there will be videos of Rockology’s performances playing during the Celebration of Life event at the Fish and Game Club on Friday night.

The Details: Edward L Kelly Funeral Home. 1019 US Route 9
Schroon Lake, NY 12870. Telephone: (518) 532-7177