Sleet or Snow: Town Hall Expansion Is Still a Go!
Year round Schroon Lakers are witnessing an amazing transformation downtown: The Great Town Hall Expansion.
Those Schroon Lake fans who are not local, we’ve got an update for you on the progress of this million dollar plus endeavor.
In our earlier postings, we covered the ground breaking and the first part of the big dig. Once completed the expansion will feature new offices for town employees, a modern and safer courtroom and holding area for prisoners and the gigantic jewel in the redbrick crown: a new library space, which will not only be a showcase of what a modern technology based library looks like, but yet another space for continuing adult education and year round use by locals and visitors alike.
Our latest photos are from last week, after a small dusting of snow. (Since then a lot more has fallen). In November, after tons of soil was removed, the forms for the footings were built and installed, with concrete poured a few days later. Then came the building of the wall forms.
Now the concrete for the first floor walls are up. The back-filling of the walls is complete and the plumber has the sewer lines in.
The project is being completed by three upstate New York companies. The cost breakdown is as follows: Bast Hatfield, General Contractor $893,300.00, D and E Technologies Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning $224,400.00 and Harold R. Clune Electrical $118,400.00.
Town Supervisor Mike Marnell is hoping for a Memorial Day opening. As previously reported on, the tax impact, according to Marnell, will be minimal.
You can also follow expansion progress here. It’s a special section on the Town’s website written and photographed by librarian Jane Bouchard.