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The Future Of Schroon Lake?

Photo by Brook Van Riper-Clark


By Mark Granger

President, Schroon Lake Association

Things are looking better in the battle against invasive plants and animals and pollution, but will that trend last? Threats from Lake George, Lake Champlain and road and stream runoff are on our border. The next 5 years will make a huge difference in whether Schroon and Paradox will remain relatively trouble free or succumb to the massive threats facing Lake George and Lake Champlain. In addition what will that fight take in money, taxes, community resources, municipal and county strength and community spirit? How much are our environmental issues wound up with the clear economic woes inside the Blue Line. Who will we end up saving the lakes for as our population greys?

Yet despite these difficulties there are people working hard whose efforts continue despite those challenges. We have assembled a wonderful panel of experienced “realistic optimists.” All have battle scars and much less naiveté than they had at the start. They have been there and are still fighting the fight- they have a lot to teach us.

Our Panelists are:

Daniel Stec the State Assemblyman from this District and former Queensbury Town Supervisor. Dan has broad experience on watershed quality from both an executive and legislative viewpoint. A summer 46er, Dan is now working on his winter 46er!

Fred Monroe the long term Executive of the Adirondack Local Government Review Board  and recently retired multi-term Supervisor of the Town of Chester. He has spent years trying to find the funds and local supports for municipalities facing the invasive threat.

Willie Janeway the Executive director of the Adirondack Council one of the leading forces for conservation in within the Blue Line but still engaged in preserving communities and jobs.

David Wick the Executive Director of the Lake George Commission, who has lead the fight for “clean drained and dry boats” to prevent the further spread of invasives in and from Lake George. Prior to that Dave played a large role in drafting the Lake Management Plan for Schroon Lake, which has formed the basis for Schroon Lake’s strategy on invasives and pollution.

Brandon Quirion the Coordinator of the Adirondack Park Invasive Plant Program. Brandon is in the lead position on battling invasives in the entire Park and its surroundings. He also has lead the State’s efforts to install boat decontamination stations strategically throughout the Park to help stop the spread of invasives.

The Panelists will each speak about 10 minutes and then engage in discussion between them. There will be opportunity for questions and discussion with the audience. All are welcome. Admission is free.

Date: Friday July 8, 2016 Time: 7:30 pm

Location: Schroon Lake Central School Auditorium, 1125 US Rt.9, Schroon Lake NY- enter by south entrance of building, ample parking

Founded in 1911 the Schroon Lake Association is one of the longest standing conservation organizations within the Blue Line. Our thousand plus members support programs to test and maintain water quality, battle and remove invasives, promote and financially support efforts to control or prevent runoff and pollution. We educate the general public and financially support municipal hiring of Lake Stewards who operate the boat launches. We cooperate and work with other conservation organizations locally and statewide.

To learn more about us, go to our website or contact: Mark S. Granger, President 518-532-7459