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New York Times Takes Abandoned ADK Rail Car Story National

The noise about rail cars in the Adirondacks is being made by people who are wrongly pushing to tear up the tracks. Here is a musical response by Ed Ellis, President of the Saratoga and North Creek Railway

New York Times reporter Paul Post brings national attention to the controversial use of rail lines used for storage for out of service rail cars with his report today.

Post interviews players on both sides of the debate: Ed Ellis, the president of Iowa Pacific Holdings, a rail company based in Chicago and Peter Bauer, the executive director of Protect the Adirondacks.

You can read the report by clicking here.

Here are Ed's Lyrics:

O give me a plan In support of this land To keep railroad tracks firmly in place The footprint is small It benefits us all To have travel options in place There is only one track In the Adirondacks And the need may be strong very soon So support for the line For a future that’s fine Can be paid by the car storage boon Home home on the tracks The deer and the black bears still play There’s no need to fight, the cars are not in sight You’ll see wilderness every which way. We love the woods and we love the trains And we don’t love the trucks and the cars So help us we pray make the railroad tracks stay For a future as bright as the stars. I ride many trains and it’s hard to explain But trains are really the best Less pollution and waste and comfortable and safe More efficient than all of the rest.

The song got a mention in the Post Star's Boos and Bravo page Sunday.