Police Locate Car Wanted In Deadly Crash
/Picture Courtesy WCAX 3-TV
State Police have located a vehicle just north of New York City that may have been involved in Sunday’s fatal crash on the Northway at Schroon Lake.
The crash -- in the northbound lanes of I-87 between exits 27 and 28 -- killed 65-year-old Mary Morrissey after the vehicle in which she was a passenger was re-ended and veered off the road. The driver of the car, Mary's brother Thomas Lafountain, 59, suffered minor injuries.
Police said today media reports about the crash -- which asked drivers to be on the lookout for a light colored vehicle, possibly a Toyota with front end damage -- led to a Trooper stopping a vehicle late Monday afternoon on the Palisades Parkway, more than 200 miles south of the crash.
"The trooper was on patrol, saw a vehicle that was on the side of the road, stopped, interviewed the driver and found out it was wanted for questioning," said New York State Police Lt. Scott Heggelke told WCAX TV.
"We don't want to divulge at this time, but through a number of interviews that we had and I also want to state that from the public's help -- the public was a big help”.
From The Times Union:
Heggelke said the car will be brought to Ray Brook Tuesday for a forensic examination that will be performed within the next few days. Although the car and partial plate match the description of the car involved in the fatal crash, only a thorough study will confirm if it is the Toyota Camry police were looking for, police said.
Police will examine the car at the Trooper station in Ray Brook. Although the car and partial plate match the description of the car involved in the fatal crash, only a thorough study will confirm if it is the Toyota police were looking for, police said.