Murder in Schroon
/Photo of May 2010 Murder Mystery. Courtesy of Witherbee's
The murder actually hasn’t happened yet – that’s set for Saturday – and when it does occur, no one will actually die. Now that we have thoroughly confused you, let us explain: what we are talking about is the Murder Mystery night at Witherbee’s Carriage House.
There are just a handful of tickets left for this annual event, which includes the active participation of the fine folks of Schroon and surrounding areas being asked to help unravel this mystery. Will you be the prosecution or defense?
The night kicks off with cocktails at 5:30 pm, followed by a three course dinner at 6:30 pm. You’ll have so much fun, it’s a crime! Reservations required.
Saturday, November 5. Witherbee’s Carriage House, 581 Route 9. 518 532-9595