Did It Rain On The Americade Parade?
/Bikes on Main Street, Schoon Lake. Photo: Anthony Batson
A little over a week ago the roar of bikes could be heard all over Schroon, as Americade revelers from Lake George rolled through town. Traditionally, the bikers provide a terrific boost for the local economy ahead of the official start of the summer season. So how did the town do this year?
“The restaurants and Stewart’s were just as busy as usual most years… the weather was a bit off and on as we had some raining days on the weekend,” councilman Mark Whitney told us.
Patti Mehm, who owns the Lakeview Inn -- and had a packed house -- agrees the weather put a bit of a damper on the numbers of riders. “I do think that the severe storms and days of solid rain did have an impact on the amount of touring conducted by the visitors. I didn't hear as many large groups of bikes passing by the Inn.”
The bad weather also contributed to power outages. When we caught up with Patti she was showing off some of that famous Adirondack hospitality by firing up the grill and throwing on some burgers for her Americade guests after the power got zapped.
Patti says it’s not just Lake George - where the event is staged – that benefits from Americade. “It is a unique event, because it gets people to tour the Adirondack area, exposing them to many different towns and areas, unlike other events that are site specific”.
How can Schroon Lake rev up more business for the Americade riders? Tell us in comments.