Looking For A Few Good Chili Champs!
/Organizer Shelby Davis with two of the three trophies up for grabs at this Saturday's Schroon Lake Chili Cook Off.
Think you’ve got the ultimate chili recipe? Wanna share your goodness with the masses? And at the same time do you want to help a terrific cause? The good news is that you can do all three at the upcoming Schroon Lake Chili cook off!
There’s still time to enter and maybe be crowned a champion chili cook at next Saturday’s event (February 25). Organizer Shelby Davis says there’s still time to get in on the action and she’s encouraging both home cooks and area restaurants to join in the fun. But ya better hurry up!
“Right now we have a total of nine chili cooks entering the cook off, a combination of both home cooks and local restaurants,” Shelby told Schroon Laker today.
“We’d really like to see a few more area restaurants come out and be part of this great event. With all proceeds going to help the Schroon Lake EMS, it's important the whole community get behind the event".
Contest rules call for all chili in the contest be prepared in a professional, commercial or restaurant kitchen. But that hasn’t deterred home cooks.
“We are working with the home cooks that have entered to get them access to a commercial kitchen. If we get late entries in the next couple of days we will do our best to help them out.”
Both veggie and meaty chilis will be represented at the cook off. Three prizes will be awarded: Best Meaty Chili, Best Veggie and the People’s Choice Award.
The big event will be held at the Mountainside Bible Chapel Gymnasium in Schroon Lake from 11am to 2 pm. Chili tastes are $1 per taste, $5 per bowl or $15 for a wrist band to taste all of the chilis. All proceeds go to the Schroon Lake EMS. Local guitar hero Mark Piper will be playing from 11.30 am to 1.30 pm.