It’s Beginning To Feel A Lot Like Summer...
/How hot was it Monday? Hot enough to break out the summer wardrobe, hot enough to work in the yard without a shirt on and for a few brave souls, hot enough to take a dip.
With the temperature hitting at least 84 here in Schroon and surrounding areas yesterday felt like a classic July day. Even into the evening hours, you could feel warm pockets of air -- no sweater required for al fresco dinning. And many were lucky enough to experience all of it guilt free. While New York schools had their Spring Break last week, many school districts in New Jersey are off this week, so the kids on the jet ski above weren’t playing hooky -- though we suspect there might have been a few cases of Monday-itis reported yesterday.
And while yesterday can lull you into a false sense of summer, it’s still way too early into the season to open up those outside water fixtures, our plumber warned us yesterday. Today’s temperatures are expected to hit a high of around 60, under bright, sunny skies.