A Bagful Of Ducks could Equal a BagFul Of Bucks
/Picture: John Milsom, one of the organizers of the Schroon Lake Association Duck Race, with the bag of ducks from the 2011 Duck Race.
Another sure sign that the summer season is coming to an end is the annual Duck Race, when hundreds of the little plastic figures will be released into Mill Creek this Sunday, and float to the finish line where the creek flows into Schroon Lake.
Last year tropical storm Irene turned the normally peaceful creek into a full on, raging white water course. This year will be a more mellower event
And it's not too late to adopt a duck! This Saturday the Schroon Lake Association will have a booth at the annual garage sale in the Town Park. Proceeds benefit the fine work the association does to keep our lake in top shape.
For $5 you can adopt a duck and have a shot at the top cash prize of $100 if your adopted duck finishes first. ($75 and $50 for 2nd the 3rd place finishers).
Then come back on Sunday morning and cheer on your duck. For additional information or to adopt a duck call 518 532-0202.