A Taste of Summer
/A butterfly feasting at Schroon Lake's Community Garden in the Summer of 2012
It seems appropriate that on the eve of a day that is predicted to hit 50 degrees -- in the dead of winter -- that we might take this opportunity to revisit summer. And in particular our thoughts go the Schroon's own Community Garden, which now takes center stage on Main Street each summer -- smack dab, bang in the middle of town.
"Our second year was a huge success," organizer Sharon Piper told Schroon Laker.
"We gotta a grant, were able to buy hoses and tools. It really solidified our project, we were really able to put our stamp on it"
The bounty this year was incredible. Huge tomatoes, peppers, cabbage, herbs and beans, to name just a few of the delights that were grown. Topped off with flowers of all shapes and sizes, it was always a treat for the eyes.
And one of the highlights this past year was the 10 foot tall sun flower, which towered over the garden, appearing to keep watch.
And we are pleased to announce that SchroonLaker.com will become the online home for those gardeners who have a plot, folks who'd like to acquire one and anyone interested in the project. You will find all of the information by clicking the "Community Garden" tab under our masthead above. Please feel free to leave comments and ask questions.
It's a place where there will be news and updates on the garden all year 'round, an online community bulletin board.
or example, if a gardener has a bounty of extra veggies, they'd be able to alert other gardeners. If they were away and needed smeone to water their plot, they could find a felow gardner to help out.
The first post is up and running -- where you will find a slide show and a complete list of the new guidelines., written by Sharon.