Schroon and Pottersville's US Route 9: A New Speedway?
/The new blacktop of Route 9 recently got a workout during the 2014 Adirondack MarathonSchroon Laker Collection, All Rights Reserved.
As Schroon Lakers -- and others who use the new, super smooth paved surface of Route 9 -- comes the joy of a quiet, no bump-ride, as well as a dramatic decrease in car and truck noise for those living nearby.
But we have noticed a HUGE downside: Parts of Route 9‘s new blacktop may have become a Speedway. That’s the impression we got last Saturday when we were out jogging on the shoulder between Sticks and Stones and the Adirondack Pointe subdivision, at the old Idylwold Boys Camp.
Of course, stating the obvious, it was impossible to tell just how fast those vehicles were traveling, it was just an observation. But it felt like a lot of vehicles were going faster than the posted 55 mph speed limit as they swooshed by.
File photo
And unlike the old crappy, cement covered Route 9 – with those crazy divots every few feet -- when you could literally hear vehicles coming from half a mile away, the super smooth blacktop absorbs much more sound, so cars can literally sneak up on you.
In an interview in September with Schroon Laker, Town supervisor Mike Marnell acknowledged how quiet the road was. What he also told us in our interview (which we didn’t publish at the time) was that he believed some drivers were breaking the speed limit.
Schroon Laker: The speed limit, it's not going to change?
Marnell: I doubt it.
Schroon Laker: Have you had complaints about speeding on Route 9 now?
Marnell: No.
Schroon Laker: No?
Marnell: No.
Schroon Laker: Okay. I just think some drivers travel faster than 55.
Marnell: Yeah, I know. It won't be less than 55.
What do you think? Should the speed limit be lowered? Should there be more active enforcement by State Troopers? What have your experiences been like as both a driver and as a walker, runner, jogger or bicyclist? For those living along the residential sections of Route 9, what have been your observations? Don’t be shy – tell us in comments.