Local Support For Dave Wick
Picture from Wick's Linkedin profile
East Shore Schroon Lake Association President Jane Smith is urging folks to attend today’s Lake George Park Commission Board of Commissioners meeting and voice their support for ousted Executive Director Dave Wick
Smith says Wick is on paid administrative leave after pressure from Governor Andrew Cuomo’s administration to force him out after an incident on Lake George this summer.
According to several sources Schroon Laker has spoken with, Wick was aboard a DEC boat where a gallon of gasoline was spilled – and immediately cleaned up -- during a refueling stop on Green Island. Because it was less than 5 gallons of gas, a report was not needed to be filed.
ESSLA has worked closely with Wick and has a large group of supporters relating to his work at the Warren County Soil and Water Conservation District, where he lead a three-year project to produce the Schroon Lake Watershed Management Plan. Today’s Post-Star has more on the story here. NCPR has a terrific background report, here. We have the following from ESSLA President Jane Smith and Doug Paton from Brant Lake.
From Jane: "Some of you may not personally know Dave Wick….but you may know of the progress that is being made in the prevention of invasives spread. He has long been a friend and advisor to ESSLA. Following is a note that I wrote as well a plea from Doug Paton from Brant Lake who is highly respected in our arena and has been for many years. Please take a minute to write to the governor as Doug asks. Thank you."
Jane continues: “This is absolutely absurd …. unspeakable. I am truly at a loss for words. Dave Wick has been the driving force in moving invasive spread prevention forward in New York State not only protecting Lake George but helping to start the movement to truly protect every lake in the Adirondacks. Cuomo professes to love the Adirondacks but wants to dismiss the guy who is dedicated to protecting it by standing up for what is right? Dave Wick was exemplary in his position as District Manager for Warren County Soil and Water. Is exemplary in his position as Executive Director of the Lake George Park Commission and friend to Adirondack Park stakeholders. Please take a strong stand for Lake George, the entire Adirondack Park and Dave and the work he has done for our area".
From Doug Paton: "All, Today I had a long and personal conversation with John Pettica, member of BOD for the LGPC. John and I go back about 20 yrs. and I helped him get into his current job as a broker. Although he could not elaborate he encouraged me and anyone interested in supporting Dave to contact the Gov.'s office. He did say that the pressure is coming directly from him and the V.Gov. I wrote a comment at: www.governor.ny.gov/NY John P. feels like all of us who appreciate Dave and his work that it will have a good effect. Thanks. Doug".