Let’s All Show Our Christmas Spirit For Phil
Supplied Photo: Phil and his family
If you read us regularly, you know we are champions of the underdog, backers of those who help others and support those who need a extra little help. That’s why -- when our good friend David Peterson shared with us the following -- we knew we had to pay it forward. We know our readers and we know the power of what all of us -- as a group -- can do. From David:
"Consider being a part of helping Phil get his bio-mechanical fingers before the end of the year. But the way, Phil is a Schroon Lake volunteer fireman".
Here is the back-story on Phil: On December 17, 2012, Phil Armstrong was in an accident and lost a portion of three of his fingers. As a man who works with his hands, this has been incredibly difficult for him. For the last two years Phil and his wife Hannah, have been trying to get their insurance to cover bio-mechanical fingers for Phil. Two months ago, they were approved by insurance! Praise the Lord! Phil and Hannah still have to pay a portion of these bills, however. Their part is $6000.00. And if they can get half of that by December 31, they won't have to pay their deductible! Let's help these wonderful servants of the Lord! What a blessing we are when we are HIS hands and feet!! Please, help me to rally around these dear friends in this incredible tangible way! You can check out the company here and help Phil out by clicking here. There’s an amazing video of how The Bio-mechanical fingers work right here.