Schroon Lake Chamber Names New Exec Director
/Patrick at the recent 2014 Schroon Lake Chili Cook-Off
Patrick brings multiple talents to his new job. His experience includes working as an attorney with specialized knowledge in the areas of Labor and Employment, Environmental, and Entertainment Law.
In a statement Tony Kostecki, president of the Chamber’s board of directors, said:
“Exciting Times! This is great news. I know I speak for all the members of the board when I say welcome Patrick!. Patrick's experience with and passion for his favorite place on earth, Schroon Lake, in addition to his professional experience with nonprofits and unique skills as an attorney, have convinced the board that he is the ideal candidate to take our chamber into the future.”
”The statement also says: "Patrick has deep ties to Schroon Lake. His family has owned property on the shores of Schroon Lake since the early 20th century. He fell in love with the Adirondacks at an early age and has always considered Schroon Lake home.
"Patrick will be sharing his strength for collaborating and working with the community as he assists the Chamber in carrying out its organizational goals to preserve, enhance and advance business, tourism and community in the Schroon Lake area. Patrick is looking forward to a listening tour where he hopes to meet current Chamber members and delve deeper into his existing knowledge of the community at-large.
“We are delighted to bring aboard a person of Patrick’s abilities and love of Schroon Lake to fill this role,” said Anthony Ruiz, a member of the board said in a statement. “His vision for the Chamber will serve us well as we continue in our efforts to better serve the interests of our membership, the overall Schroon Lake community, and our area’s visitors.
In an earlier interview with Schroon Laker, when the search for a director was announced, Shelby Davis, also on the search committee gave a sneak peak into some of the goals the chamber was establishing for the new director.
“The position will bring a new direction to give economic sustainability to the town,” Shelby said.
“Projects like the Woods Lodge (the Inn on Schroon Lake) are a good example. We need more projects like that, and someone to bring those projects here...projects that will be sustainable throughout the year and bring jobs throughout the year.
“We also need someone who is actively looking to bring new events to the town to compliment the summer events. We want to extend the season to make this a year ‘round destination. We need more winter events. The more events we have the more money and jobs for the town.”