Really Good Lake News March 2014 Edition
/Dusk on Schroon Lake, Winter 2014
More from the SLA Press release:
Earlier last year the SLA celebrated the $300,000 grant received from the state which mainly targeted controlling storm water runoff, invasive plants and water
pollution. The grant is being managed by the Warren County Soil and Water Office but the majority of the work is going to be done on Route 9 and Dock Street in Schroon Village.
“The Town is expected to match the funds spent by the State. Our Board through its volunteer efforts has given the Town a $27,500 credit which will not have to be paid by the taxpayers.” Granger noted.
Roger Friedman Schroon Town Board Member and SLA Vice President said “this is another example of local citizens working with their Town Government to make our wonderful lake better and safer.”
SLA VP Chuck Harste pointed out that some of those volunteer hours were spent in monitoring lake water quality as SLA members went out and sampled Schroon Lake water for testing under the CSLAP Program.
Lake Manager Steve LaMere is preparing a report of how the lake has been doing over the past decade using testing performed on samples collected by volunteers.
SLA Past President Helen Wildman said: ”Everyone chipped in whether it was fundraising for the Craft Fair, the Hornbeck Boat Raffle or attending project planning meetings.”
Schroon Town Supervisor Mike Marnell expects construction to begin in the Fall with Town Crews performing a lot of the work.