Vote Today For Your New SLCS Board
/Sketch courtesy Schroon Lake Central School
Four candidates are vying for two seats on the Schroon Lake Central School Board of Education. The election is open from noon to 8 p.m. Tuesday, May 20, at the school.
Incumbent Robert Claus, Eric Welch, Bruce Murdock and Terry Wisser are running for open terms of five and three years.
The election comes just weeks after Schroon Lake Central Superintendent Bonnie Finnessey recently announced she was her resigning for health reasons. The Press Republican’s Lohr McKinstry recently took a look at the candidates and why they want the job. You can read that report here.
Here are the biographies of the candidates.
ROBERT CLAUS Age: 77. Occupation: Retired teacher. Education: Schroon Lake Central; SUNY-Potsdam; Ithaca College. Previous school board experience: Schroon Lake School Board, five years; Schroon Zoning Board of Appeals member. Family: Wife, Jane; grown children: Greg, Jeff and Juliet.
BRUCE MURDOCK Age: 65. Education: Schroon Lake High School. Occupation: Carpenter. Previous School Board experience: Past member of Schroon Lake School Board, 16 years; Clinton-Essex-Warren-Washington BOCES School Board, 17 years; Schroon Town Planning Board, five years. Civic organizations: Newcomb Sportsmans Club. Military service: U.S. Army veteran.Family: Wife, Pamela; two grown children: Gretchen and Amber.
ERIC WELCH Age: 45. Occupation: Chemistry teacher, North Warren Central School. Education: Schroon Lake Central School; University of Vermont; SUNY Plattsburgh. Family: Wife, Charlene; children: Abigail, junior at Schroon Lake Central; two grown children: Nicholas and Dennis.
TERRY WISSER Age: 47. Occupation: Missionary-subcontractor, Word of Life. Education: Word of Life Bible Institute, two years. Family: Wife, Beth; three children: Abigail, 18; Molly, 16; and Benjamin, 14, all students at Schroon Lake Central.