A Humdinger of A Hummingbird!
/Photo By Pat Thorne. Copyright 2014. All Rights Reserved
Pat Thorne's photos of Schroon wildlife are simply delightful. Today Pat shares with us her shot of a hummingbird. From Pat:
"I thought you might enjoy this little male Ruby throated hummingbird. He loves sitting on my clothes line and watching for other hummingbirds invading his territory. He can be seen in this spot early in the morning and again in the late evening".
We asked Pat what gear she uses to help her get these shots (Besides her artistic eye and a tremendous amount of patience.) Here is her response"
"I bought a Panasonic Lumix FZ70 last August as it was recommended for bird watching as it has a great zoom lens. I have really enjoyed being able to get so close to my subject without frighting them away. I was never able to get close enough before and was frustrated with the results. This camera is light weight and does not require added attachments to get that desired close up. It goes in my knapsack along with my binoculars and bug spray and I am good to go".
Thank you, Pat.