Saying Good Bye To A Local Legend
/Photo: Jane Smith
Shannon, the Adirondack Postmaster, a friend and so much more to hundreds of folks and generations, is licking the business!
Today marks her last day at the Adirondack Post Office, but she is not being shipped out quietly. Locals are holding a wrap party after her last stint behind the counter, at the park opposite the post office. (look for the Blue Canopy).
A little background on Shannon: After graduating college she worked in the restaurant business and later the Post Office in North Creek for 20 years, while she and her husband John raised their daughter.
Shannon and John will move to Arizona to join her extended family in their Native American jewelry business.
The party runs from 3:30pm -- 5:30pm. Shannon will join when she has finished her shift. Refreshments will be provided. Bring a chair and sit awhile. Good Luck Shannon!