Lost And Found: Mid-June Edition
Many docks are several inches under water with the recent rains. Photo by Mike Ryan. Copyright 2015. All Rights Reserved.
With the monsoon like rains, things that are often safe on lake front beaches and lawns, get a little carried away – literally -- by the rising lake levels.
From Jane Smith, of The East Shore Schroon Lake Association:
“Gary pulled a floating blue rowboat with numbers 5831FJ up onto our neighbors ramp. Oars included. Our number is 494-4777. We will let our neighbor, Craig, know when he comes up this weekend. From Elli and Gary Muller”
And This: “LOST - DOCK RAMP Floated away with high water; from area between "3 Bears Pt." and " Gull Pt.". Wooden slat ramp is approx. 6ft. x 3ft. with one alum. fitting marked RDS. please call Arnie @ 532-9986”.
Lost or Found something? Email us at scroonlaker@me.com