Workshop in Schroon: How To Engage Your Board and Raise Dollars
/Does the idea of engaging the board you serve on and raise money entice you? Then do we have workshop for you!
Joe Steiniger flags us to an upcoming event hosted by the Community Fund for the Gore Mountain Region, featuring Andy Robinson.
“To be effective, nonprofits must recruit board members who support their ideals, represent the diversity of the community, and bring a wide range of skills -- and then train them to be effective ambassadors. Join us as we share the most useful tools for both board development and nonprofit marketing.
“I specialize in the needs of organizations working for human rights, social justice, environmental conservation, and community development. This is a fast-paced, interactive workshop, so please come prepared to participate!”
So save the Day: Sunday June 12, 2016 from 12:30 PM to 5:00 PM at the Seagle Music Colony999 Charley Hill Rd Contact: Andrea Grout, Adirondack Foundation