Happy Birthday East Shore Schroon Lake Association
/The East Shore Schroon Lake Association -- affectionately known as ESSLA -- will be celebrating its 50th year with a party featuring a full-course, family style dinner on Sunday, June 5.
The event will be held at Jimbo’s Club at the Point (7201 State Route 8, Brant Lake).
"Join Friends and neighbors getting together to kick off the new season! You can have a
great meal, support your lake association’s conservation projects with your donations, and catch up on the news. We will host again at Jimbo’s overlooking beautiful Brant Lake. The large dining area is a lovely setting. Cash bar 5:00, dinner family-style served at 6:00 $35 per person Menu: Salad, vegetable medley, potatoes au gratin, 3 entrees, rolls, and dessert.
By popular demand, several baskets to raffle. To RSVP go to www.essla.org/events to sign up and pay by credit card. You can also make checks payable to ESSLA and mail to PO Box 206,
Adirondack, NY 12808. Folks may pay for their reservations at the door."