A Bright Future for Schroon
/A new outdoor patio has been completed at Sticks and Stones
There is a lot to be excited about this coming season. From the Town Hall expansion, to new owners revamping the Rowe’s Cottages, the future looks promising. New owners are also in the process of reopening the old Dun Roamin’ Cabins and work will begin in August on a project to make Schroon Lake cleaner, with a new water catchment system being installed as part of a large grant.
In addition, with the potential of a bigger and better Stewart’s Shop, there’s a lot be celebrate as our town’s entrepreneurs and big business alike, add fuel to the economic engine of this town’s economy.
“Business is very good, we had one our best winter season ever,” Steve Holmes told Schroon Laker recently.
Two weeks ago, S & S broke ground on a new outdoor patio, increasing the footprint of their alfresco dining space.
Congrats to all of our businesses. Wish you all a great season.