Theatre Road Trip: The Westport Playhouse
/Schroon Lakers -- and all of us in the North Country -- are blessed to have such a vibrant summer arts scene. Schroon is home to world class opera and Broadway musicals, with the Seagle Music Colony. And just a hop, skip and jump up the Northway is the Depot Theater.
Their new production, Souvenir: A Fantasia on the Life of Florence Foster Jenkins, runs from July 28 to August 6. Written by Stephen Temperley, it's the story of Florence Foster Jenkins, the New York Socialite who thought she could sing, but couldn’t.
Sound familair? Meryl Streep played Florence in a movie version with Hugh Grant.From the folks at the Depot Theatre:
"Never has so little talent given so much joy, amazement & laughter! Her recitals became a sensation in the 1930’s with everyone in on the joke except her. Her “career” culminated with a recital at Carnegie Hall. It sold out in two hours! By the end of that concert, her understanding of music (and our understanding of her) will both change profoundly".
Depot Theatre, 6705 Main St,, Westport, NY 12993, (518) 962-8680