Schroon Starting To Look Like Schroon Pre-Pandemic!
/“Oh, what a night, early June in 2020, Steve and Gary were so happy to see, dine in customers that were forced to flee, back on their patio.”.
That slightly mangled version of Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons’ hit, sums up what was happening at Sticks and Stones Thursday night: Patio dining — for up to 60 people — open for all. (And Dogs).
After 79 days of curbside pick-up -- which is still available -- the restaurant’s out door dining reopening is one of the first signs Schroon is returning back to a modified version of “normal.”
Sticks is the trail blazer. leading the way for a number of Schroon area businesses starting to embrace life in the pandemic and get ready to open their doors for customers.
The new beer Pavilion at Paradox brewery.
As of this writing, The Town Store, Pinecone Mercantile and the Paradox Brewery are among businesses finalizing plans to have their guests on their premises next week.
UPDATE: Brewery open as of 4/4/2020
At Paradox’s brewery in North Hudson, a new pavilion featuring picnic tables is in the final stages of completion, founders Paul and Joan Mrocka tell us.
“We will be opening our outside taps station. We will be following all of the guidelines of social distancing and hand sanitizing,” Joan told us.
“We will have our picnic tables out and are encouraging folks to bring their own chairs and picnic blankets. We have plenty of space. We believe we can follow the rules of social distancing and create a safe and inviting environment.”
Paul says he’s been hearing from customers who miss the social interaction with their staff.
“We can accomplish and abide by the rules. We are looking forward to seeing the many people who have stayed in place, who are anxious to come see us.”
Paul says for now the tasting room will remain closed. An exact date of the re-opening will be announced next week.
Patti Mehm can’t wait to welcome new and old faces and is over the moon to tell us that Town Store is opening Friday,
From Patti:
WELL WE DID IT.... OPENING Friday, June 4th, we are Covid ready for you! Normally, I would call this a soft opening, but this year I would say... welcome to our Rough opening! Unfortunately, most inventory has been delayed (they were paused also) but it's coming in every day now... we look forward to seeing you! Current hours: Friday & Saturday 10 - 4pm, Sunday 11-4pm”
Pine Cone Mercantile anticipates re-opening for walk-in business next Friday, June 12th. Proprietor Lisa Hess Marks has a ton of new inventory. From Lisa:
“We're sprucing things up... getting new items in... and most importantly... PREPARING A SAFE ENVIRONMENT to welcome you back! More updates to follow!
Got news about re-openings in our area? Share in comments.