Seagle's Fulton Fryar’s Closet: An Encore Presentation on Mountain Lake PBS This Weekendend

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The year was 1957 and this small building (above) was a new addition at the Seagle Music Colony on Charley Hill Road.

That summer it housed a 17-year-old singer named Fulton Fryar. He was the first African American to study at the colony. His sleeping quarters were kept separate from those of the other singers on the campus.  Fulton’s story came to light a couple of years ago when it was slated for demolition and a friend of Darren Woods, The Seagle Music Colony’s Artistic Director --  Jonathan Green – learned about the room.

Fulton Fryar, was 17-years-old in 1957

Fulton Fryar, was 17-years-old in 1957

“Jonathan became obsessed with saving this little room and bit of African-American history in the Adirondacks. He contacted Steven Englehart with Adirondack Architectural Heritage who then sent the pictures to Laura Rice at the Adirondack Experience (formerly the Adirondack Museum),” said Darren. (It is now part of the Adirondack Experience permanent collection).

You can read more of Darren’s story here and this weekend viewers in the Mountain Lake PBS region will once again have the chance to watch an award winning documentary about the history of Fulton Fryar’s closet. The documentary features an interview with Fulton, and Darren Woods and explores the unknown story of racial inequality in 1950s Adirondack culture.

Fulton Fryar’s Closet: A Spotlight Special airs this Friday night at 8:00.  It repeats Sunday morning at 5:30 am and 10am.

Spotlight is made possible, in part, by the Glenn and Carol Pearsall Adirondack Foundation, dedicated to improving the quality of life for year-round residents of the Adirondack Park.  Spotlight is also supported by Hill & Hollow Music.

Could Schroon Be The Christmas Capital Of The North Country?



The Community Church’s bell choir and SLCS’s jazz band and chorus will perform at the school at 7:00.The spirit of Christmas  -- including a week’s worth of celebrations  -- is alive in Schroon Lake

Under the guidance of the Schroon Lake Chamber of Commerce Director Sue Palisano, her deputy Nicole Howe and the dedicated volunteers of Schroon’s Old Tyme Christmas Planning Committee, this year’s extravaganza is the best ever. (And we’ve seen a few of ‘em).

First off, a plug for tonight’s festivities: there’s the Community Church’s Bell Choir, and Schroon Lake Central School’s Jazz Concert and 6th Grade Concert at the Schroon Lake Central School.

This is the second year of the celebration under the direction of Sue.

“Last year gave me a good sense of what we needed to do this year. Nicole had conceived the Polar Plunge a few years ago. So we thought, you know, what else can we do continue to make this a celebration that wasn't even just one day, but, you know, but multiple days,” Sue told Schroon Laker today.

The committee started planning in earnest before Thanksgiving and started soliciting donations for baskets and looking for involvement from the greater community.

What’s new this year?

“Folks are going to do things that they did last year and we have a lot of, of new things this year. For example, the Friends of the Library, are doing a special holiday bookstore. We've added a holiday lights parade. We're starting really small on that to test the waters. But we've got our fire department and EMS and trucks from Pottersville and North Hudson. Some individuals are doing quads and trucks.

“The Holiday Light Parade starts at the School at 5.30 pm and runs down Main Street to Dock and up to The Strand Theatre, where Santa's being dropped off for his visit with the kids. Also new this year is an Ornament Hunt, which kicks off at 2pm. There’s 140 hidden around town. We still have all of our favorites, the horse and wagon ride and caroling and the tree lighting arts and crafts for kids at the library and at the town store and music all around town.

“We very much miss The Community Church not being here, but they are actually doing a bake sale at the Seagle Music Colony office”


And what gets Sue excited?

“The basket raffle and we're doing our festival of trees again this year. That was a big hit last year. Everybody's just totally outdone themselves this year. The trees are absolutely beautiful and we have over 50 baskets and gift certificates for the raffle, which has just been awesome.”

This year’s trees are sponsored by Glens Falls National Bank, Dollar General, The Upstate Insurance Agency, Peak Properties and the Seagle Music Colony.

So come on out. Go for a plunge. Listen to some good music and high five the fat guy in the red suit.

What’s your favorite part of the celebration? Tell us in comments.