Meet The Pipers

Photo Courtesy Mark and Sharon Piper

Photo Courtesy Mark and Sharon Piper

We first met the Mark and Sharon Piper when we stayed at their glorious Bed and Breakfast just after they had become the inn's new owners in 2009. What an experience! And what a breakfast! You may them as inn keepers, but there's a lot more behind this fun loving, dynamic duo, which you can learn about in our Profiles section.

On Board With The New Board

Photo: Schroon Lake Chamber of Commerce President Tony Kostecki

Photo: Schroon Lake Chamber of Commerce President Tony Kostecki

At its December meeting, Schroon Lake Chamber of Commerce members elected a new President, Vice President and board of directors.

The new President is Tony Kostecki, from the Seagle Colony, officially taking over a role he has been filling in since former President Mike Bush had to step down mid-term, due to his travel schedule with his position at Word Of Life.

The new Vice President is Shelby Davis, a venerable whirl-wind who has had her hand in multiple Chamber events since settling in Schroon just two short years ago, when she and her partner Chris Palmatier opened Mr. P’s Mountain Smokehouse and Shelby’s Kitchen Therapy.

“We really want to grow the Chamber and its membership,” Shelby Davis told Schroon Laker today

The secretary-treasurer is Pete Johnson and the board members are Anthony Ruiz, Sharon Piper and Tim Vanderwhiele.

Editors Note: We goofed. An earlier version of this story incorrectly identified Julie Saywers as a board member and had mistakenly omitted Anthony Ruiz. We sincerely apologize for the error.

A Garden Regrows In Schroon

A former eye sore in the middle of town will once again be transformed into an oasis of vegetables and flowers, with the 2nd Annual Schroon Lake Community Garden set for re-planting next month.

Three new raised beds have been added to the garden --  between the Higher Ground Coffee Shop and the Glens Falls Bank --  bringing  the number of adoptable plots to 22.

As of Monday afternoon, only 5 plots were left for adopting, organizer Sharon Piper told Schroon Laker.

“The Garden was a huge success last year. We had a waiting list of folks who missed out  who were able to adopt a bed this year,” Sharon said.

Besides beautifying the once drab, weed strewn vacant lot, the garden provided real benefits to individuals and the local Food Bank.

“Folks grew veggies for themselves and the Lions Club took out pounds of fresh produce for the Food Bank”.

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Big Bang Theory: All Part Of *SLOW

Photo: 2011 Labor Day Fire Works At Schroon Lake. SchroonLaker Archives

It's official -- the spectacular fireworks our town is proud of and known for -- will be part of the *Schroon Lake Opening Weekend (S.L.O.W) Festivities over the Memorial Day Weekend in May.

After having a tough time locating a launching site -- which wouldn't incur overtime costs to the Town -- organizers have secured the Word Of Life's mainland dock.

The fireworks display will be part of the weekend's hat tip to Memorial Day, and wil be known as the "Tribute To The Troops" Fireworks display. The fireworks are just one element of what is building up to be a spectacular weekend, which will include a boat parade, blessing of the boats, a town wide garage sale, a Summer Expo in the Town Park, a Memorial Day Service, and a Captain's Lunch or dinner at area restaurants.

To pull off this extraordinary undertaking organizers are looking for volunteers. Contact Shelby Davis at if you can help.