How Much Snow For the Winter of 2014-2015?
Photos by Paul Mrocka. Copyr ight2014. All Rights Reserved. Main street, schroon lake,, thankgiving eve, 2014
There's one man in town whose opinion we have come to respect on all matters regarding weather: Tony Tenda. We recently caught up with Tony for his thoughts about this winter.
SL: How much snow do you see for this season?
TT: Potential snow? Long term or short? Right now for Schroon Lake it looks like we are in for a bunch of nickel and dime events, nothing big on the horizon, at least right now. I think we are in for a lot of cold this winter, which has started over a month early. Here in Northern NY when we have extreme cold the storms are suppressed south, giving the coasts the big snows and us on the fringes. Our chances will come when the cold pattern relaxes. It will be interesting to see how this will all play out.
SL: How did you get so interested in weather?
TT: I’ve been interested in weather since I was a little boy. After getting my degree in Landscape Design and Development I planned on going to Lyndon State College in Northern Vermont for a Meteorology degree, but had a change of plans and never did that. No regrets, however the last 12 years thanks to the Internet I now have computer forecast models and forums available to me and that has rekindled the interest.