Hamell on Trial -- Here

Hamell on Trial -- playing tonight at the Timberwolf Pub – tells it like it is. Part punk rocker, politico and outspoken social commentator, the one-man band of Ed Hamell promises loud, opinionated and above all passionate prose, as he tackles today’s headlines and whatever else is on his mind: kids, divorce and love.

Tonight’s performance (December 22) is proudly bought to Schroon Lake by Chris Palmatier, the “P” at Mr P’s Mountain Smokehouse.

Hamill, who hails from Syracuse, New York -- and has been playing gigs since the late 1980s -- tours all over the US and Europe. He has a remarkable back story – in May of 2000, he was seriously injured in a car crash, but recovered from head and spinal injuries to release the album Ed's Not Dead: Hamell Comes Alive.