Let's Hear It For The Locals
/Photos By Rob Philp
A huge shout out to two locals who did an awesome job in the Half Marathon today . Yogi Deb Philp, and Schroon Lake B&B co-owner Marker Piper, had trained seperately for months for the event, offering words of encouragement to each other in their Facebook postings. And it was on FB that Mark paid tribute to Deb for helping him during the race.
Well.....I finished. I didn't look good doin it. unofficial time 2:20 Thanks Debbie Philp I know I slowed you down Deb, but thanks. A great big giant shout out to all the spectators and volunteers. I'd name names but there were so many of you I might forget some. YOU make this event possible.
Mark was last spotted making his way to Witherbee’s for a cold brew. And this is how Deb celebrated immediaetly after the race and asked her FB Followers:
“What does a good yogini do after a race? Collapse into pigeon pose”
Debbie has a terrific piece on her blog about training for today's event, the race and why its freindships that matter above all else.