Schroon's ADK Shakes on the Road

If you have missed Schroon Lake based ADK Shakes performances on Sundays in Lake Placid – you are in luck. This Sunday you can get to see the company perform selections from their upcoming He That Plays The King: Selections From The Kingship Cycle.

It’s the third installment of their Sunday Shakespeare Series. ADK Shakes teamed up with the Lake Placid Center for the Arts to bring their Shakespeare in the raw style performance to the North Country’s most famous hamlet.

From ADK Shakes:

This series will be presented in full this summer, but you can get a sneak peek at the highlights from Richard II, Henry IV - Parts 1 & 2, and Henry V. Featuring the company’s Artistic Director Tara Bradway, Executive Director Patrick Siler, and festival favorite Collin McConnell in the title roles of Richard II, Henry IV, and Henry V respectively.

“It’s exciting that these titles are enjoying a bit more attention lately with last year’s The Hollow Crown on PBS. Although they’re less familiar titles, they actually contain some of Shakespeare’s most beautiful language and compelling characters. Add in our signature Shakespeare IN THE RAW style, and you’ve got four plays that are absolutely not to be missed!” Tara said.

Where and When:  This Sunday, March 30 @ 7:30 p.m. Tickets - $5 (Call the Lake Placid Center for the Arts Box Office: 518-523-2512.