East Shore Schroon Lake Association News (Almost Spring Edition)
/A cold, February evening. Looking South at dusk, just north of the Narrows
Our folks who spend the winter in warmer climates have not had the best of weather either. A “show of hands” of those of us who had little to no knowledge about the polar vortex and who hope it goes back where it came from! Whatever your personal belief....climate change, global warming, it’s a natural cycle, we all need to do our personal best to take good care of Mother Earth.
Our hearts hold a special place for all of our ESSLA families who are struggling with health issues and loss. We are saddened at the recent loss of a long-time supporter and an icon of the Adirondack area, Joe Maday. Thank you Joe and rest in peace.
Be safe and stay warm (or cool). We look forward to gathering to kick off the 2014 season at the Pasta Dinner at Jimbo’s on the first Sunday in June and catching up with friends old and new.
Spring is on its way.
Jane and the Board of Directors
P.S. Joanne is busy collecting and reminding you to pay your dues. It’s a time consuming process so please help her by dropping your check in the mail today. And don’t forget, many companies give matching funds. We have several GE retirees who have done this for a number of years.....shall we throw down the challenge GE? Where are you IBM? others?