The State Of The Lake From ESSLA
/Copyright Schroon Laker Collection
The East Shore Schroon lake Association will hold their annual meeting this Friday, with a variety of guest speakers that will impart a great deal of knowledge -- leaving you better informed about how it takes a village (and two lake associations!) -- to keep this amazing body of water in tip top shape.
The meeting goes from 7:30 pm - 9 pm (Friday, June 27) at the Word of Life International Headquarters, 71 Olmstedville Road in Pottersville.
From ESSLA President Jane Smith:
“Our guest speakers will be Beth Gilles from Lake Champlain-Lake George Regional Planning Board speaking about septic systems, Jim Lieberum from Warren County Soil and Water speaking about storm water and where we are with our CFA grant and our own Rich Nawrot speaking about the new DEC regulations, the recently passed NYS bill regarding Invasives and the continuing success of our Lake Steward Program. Refreshments will be served. Hope to see you all there”.