Lost and Found: Early June Edition
Photo by Jack Osborn. Copyright 2015. All Rights Reserved.
Rising water on our lakes means some of our water toys, docks and other items that float will use this chance for a dance. Drum roll, please or our lost and found early June Edition. From Jane Smith, President of The East Shore Schroon Lake Association:
“Someone lost their boat keys with a red and white bobber and 4 keys. They were found on a beachfront 2 miles past the store (Adirondack General Store). I have them here.Thanks, Maureen
From Bill and Ann Hoff: Gone missing from their beachfront on East Shore Drive is an O'Brien black and red towable tube. If you have any information please call them at 494-2255.
We also have a pressure treated wooden raft constructed on Styrofoam billets measuring 8 ft. x 8 ft. This is a donation to ESSLA (we don't advertise individuals "for sale" goods) For details call Arnie Rapoport at 532-9986.
And a happy reminder: “Hope to see you all at the Pasta Dinner on Sunday, June 7: reservations Anne Pieper 494-7421”.
Found or lost something? Let us know.