Catching up with our Friends on the East Shore

DEC Freshwater Fisheries Insider

Winter 2016

If ice fishing is on your agenda, then you'll want to check out the DEC's quarterlyFreshwater Fisheries Insider. The Insider is a quarterly online newsletter designed to provide New York anglers with current information on fishing in New York State and what the DEC Bureau of Fisheries is doing to improve New York’s fisheries. Please forward this article to anyone you think is interested in fishing in New York.

President’s Day weekend (February 13-14) will be a
free ice fishing weekend to encourage more anglers to try Ice fishing while many are on winter recess. Residents and visitors age 16 and older will be able to fish in New York State without a license.

New Ice Fishing Regulations

On April 1, 2015, new ice fishing regulations went into effect. A total of seven ice fishing devices/lines (includes tip-ups) is allowed for ice fishing with a total of 15 ice fishing devices/lines for Lake Champlain. Names and addresses are no longer required on ice fishing devices.

Ice Fishing Basics

Ice fishing is a great way to spend long winter days. For certain species, ice fishing can often be better than in open water. Given that all you have to do is walk out on the ice, access is often easier than during open water periods. Be sure you know the depth of ice before walking or driving onto a frozen water body. Learn more about ice fishing.

Winter Has Arrived...Finally!

Snowshoeing at the Natural Stone Bridge and Caves Park - 14 miles/36 snowshoe trails, open every Fri/Sat/Sun 10am-4pm. Tours and rentals are available. Explore views of the Stone Bridge cave entrance (largest in the East!), frozen waterfalls, sinkholes, ledges, walks along Trout Brook & mountain top. 

New CPR Guidelines

CPR guidelines have changed, so be sure you are up to date on hands-only CPR.  Watch this short video to learn how to keep the beat and learn hands-only CPR without breaths. Most people who experience cardiac arrest at home, work or in a public location die because they don't receive immediate CPR from someone on the scene.  As a bystander, don't be afraid. Your actions can only help. Check out this short video to learnhands-only CPR. And don't forget to call 911 first!

Join or Renew Now!

ESSLA is at the forefront of a shared vision to protect  Schroon Lake/River. We have been recognized for our outstanding local stewardship programs. ESSLA members' knowledge, experience, dedication and hard work in collaboration with municipalities, state and local agencies and organizations is committed to the long-term protection, management and preservation of our beautiful "Pearl", Schroon Lake. Invest in this mission by joining us. A hearty thank you to all our supporters!


ESSLA Ambassadors - Volunteers at Work

Did you know ESSLA has more than 50 "Ambassadors" that volunteer time and talent throughout the year? Sometimes as little as one or two hours throughout the entire summer.  We are grateful for however much time they can give.  Our working Board of Directors only has so many hands, so we rely on these good folks to help manifest our goals in protecting our environment and educating the public. Ambassadors help out with the Schroon Lake Marathon, setting  up and manning ESSLA booths, picking up trash along our roads and many other activities.  If you have time or talent you'd like to donate, we have plenty of opportunities to get involved, from scouting the shoreline for invasives to activities planning and social networking and much more, we'd love to have you join us. Email us at for more information if you'd like to be involved with an organization committed to our beautiful Schroon Lake environment. If you would like to be a contributor to our blog, miniPearl or Pearl newsletters, we welcome your articles. Photo courtesy Joanne Nawrot.

**We are currently looking for someone with grant writing experience who would be willing to help us.  Please contact