Schroon Town Justice Candidates: Why You Should Vote
/There’s one hotly contested race in Tuesday’s election: The job of Town Justice. After the Republican primary in September, two candidates emerged to battle it out: Bill Tribou, with a tally of 148 votes and Tracey Hanchett, who finished with 20. How did it come to this?
Before the primary, Tribou and Hanchett had filed Independent Nominating Petitions to get a line on the November Ballot.
So Tuesday, Hanchett will run as an Independent candidate for the Justice Party. And with Tribou’s win, he’ll not only be on the Republican Party line but also as an Independent for the Honesty Party.
We recently asked both candidates to present in 500 words “…your case on why voters should elect you to the position of Town Judge”.
Both candidates promptly responded. I promised both I would flip a coin, before publication, to see who got top billing in the order they are presented. Tracy Hanchett won. Read both candidates’ (unedited) submissions after the jump:
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