Schroon’s Big Bang Theory: Fireworks Fundraiser!
As we sadly count down the days to another Summer, Schroon likes to throw a big end of season Street Party over the Labor Day weekend, to send her off in style, and welcomeFall, with all of its spectacular activities our area has to offer.
This year the Street Party is back (on Dock Street -- not Main ) along with crowd favs, those rocking rev heads, “ The Master Cylinders”. What’s missing this year is the Fireworks, we hear from Roger Friedman.
“This year money was not allocated for fireworks and we have 10 days to raise a total of $4,000. Stewart’s Shops have offered to donate $1,000 (thank you Stewart’s) but the rest is up to us! It will be awesome to dance on Dock Street overlooking Schroon Lake & then seamlessly at 9:30pm have the Alonzo Fireworks display!!!
Please contribute by making checks payable to the Town of Schroon -please state for fireworks. The worst case scenario is if our goal is not met your check can be returned to you or the money can go for the 2015 fireworks budget. Bring your checks to Town Hall (Patty Savarie, Chris Stone or Mike Marnell) or to the Schroon Lake Chamber of Commerce on Main Street".
So what do you say Schroon Lakers? Are we in? Tell us your thoughts in our comments section.
Where and When: The Schroon Lake Street Dance is set for Saturday August 30th from 7 PM until 9:30 PM on Dock Street.