Yes, There will be a Summer

If Spring ever decides to get its act together, there will eventually be warm, sunny days with blue skies, just like over the 2012 Schroon Opening Weekend. Here to get us all in the mood for Summer, and the opening weekend, is a slide show of what we saw around Town that splendid weekend. What was your favorite memory of that weekend? Tell us in comments.

Mark Piper: A Man And His Music

We first met Mark Piper just after he and his wife Sharon opened up their Schroon Lake Bed and Breakfast back in 2009.

Little did we know that besides his skills in the kitchen, where he can whip up a killer breakfast, that he was a very talented singer and song writer. If you've seen him play the open mic at Witherbee's on Thursdays, you know what we mean. If you haven't  -- then check him out at his new "other" weekly gig every Saturday afternoon in the Town Park next to the Band Shell through the end of the summer.

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Kids Inspire Their Own Shakespeare Show

When ADK Shakes set up shop in Schroon Lake last year, the company was amazed by the number of kids that were turning up at their performances. Kids as young as four were "mesmerized" by the performances, recalled Tara Bradway, the show’s Artistic Director.

"They were wrapped. The kids got it. They are a lot smarter than a lot of adults give them credit for in understanding Shakespeare."

That experience led to a special commission of an adapted Shakespeare work just for kids, "Theseus And The Minotaur", two of the characters from  A Midsummer Night’s Dream. True to their roots, the performance Wednesday will be in “raw” form, where the focus is on the words --- not the sets or costumes. Says Tara:

The play encourages children to use their imaginations -- which they are so wonderful at doing. We are using simple props -- a ship is made from two dowels and a swath of fabric. The same fabric is used to veil the Minotaur. The actors employ considerable energy in order to bring the story to life, but it's really the children who provide that final step of creating the play.

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Art In The Park

We can’t think of a more perfect way to spend a Schroon Saturday afternoon than wandering through the town park, looking at artful masterpieces, while being serenaded by the magical sounds of the harp.

That’s what you can do today at the Visual Arts and Music in Park celebration from 1 pm. Harpist Martha Gallagher will perform in the park between 2 pm  - 4 pm and the cool sounding Modern Grass Quartet kicks it up in the Boat House from 5 pm – 7 pm. Area artists will be showing their works, so swing by and pick up some art for your lake house or a gift to take back home. The event is sponsored by the Schroon Lake Arts Council.